The most powerful christian testimonies
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50 testimonies found related to En Vida Dura, la historia de una mujer que se involucró en una extraña secta ocultista
Created by Cristian
On Jan-31-2011
Finance testimonial

Created by Cristian
On Feb-19-2011
Conversion testimony
Luis Martínez nos cuenta cómo la ambición por el dinero, casi le cuesta la vida. En vida Dura
En Vida Dura, Luis Martínez nos cuenta cómo una peligrosa ambición por el dinero, casi le cuesta la vida...

Created by Cristian
On Jan-15-2013
Conversion testimony
Hoy en Vida Dura la historia de un afamado cantante salvadoreño, Sergio Perez

Created by Cristian
On Jan-01-2013
Conversion testimony
En vida dura. Una joven víctima de abuso y maltrato infantil, se convierte en una mujer frustrada

Created by Cristian
On Jan-15-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura. Como el flagelo de las drogas convirtió un hogar peruano en un verdadero infierno

Created by Cristian
On May-08-2013
Conversion testimony
En vida Dura: La perdida de un padre puede causar estragos en sus hijos

Created by Cristian
On Jan-15-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura: como una joven busca en relaciones equivocadas el amor de madre que no recibió

Created by Cristian
On Jan-12-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura, una terrible adicción conduce a un joven esposo a perderlo todo en la vida

Created by Cristian
On Jan-01-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura, una pareja guatemalteca que se involucró de lleno en el ocultismo

Created by Cristian
On Jan-12-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura, una niña es salvajemente abusada y crece llena de traumas y pánico

Created by Cristian
On Jan-15-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura, una mujer se convierte en víctima de las drogas y hace su vida miserable

Created by Cristian
On Jan-13-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura, una mujer que sufrió lo que ninguna madre desearía jamás, perder a su hijo
En Vida Dura, conozca la increíble historia de una mujer que sufrió lo que ninguna madre desearía jamás, perder a su hijo. A ella le arrebataron su bebé de las manos, cuando apenas tenía 10 día...

Created by Cristian
On Jan-13-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura, una mujer que se entregó a un terrible vicio, luego de la muerte de su hijo

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A young wife's dream to have a baby is squelched by a medical diagnosis of probable infertility. Find out how this mother experienced a happy and healthy pregnancy. ...
This was a high point in my life. Being used by YHVH/God to spread the Good News on world wide television! HalleluYah! I also wanted to be able to help Christians to understand that Wiccans & Pagans are mostly truly seeking YHVH's Face, and to be pat...
Created by Cristian
On Oct-26-2011
Stran Smith: Live Like You re Dying
He was king of the rodeo, but a rare medical condition almost took him out. That was when Stran realized what really matters....
“I noticed this lump in my breast and it was very big. But I just ignored it for awhile. But then it was very painful. I knew something was wrong.” When Venus Demarko finally had the courage to go to the doctor, she wasn’t surprised when doc...
When she was six months pregnant, Monique suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and was put on life support. Only prayer could bring her and her baby out of danger....
He had a stroke and doctors expected him to die, but the ultimate Healer stepped in....
Anita Fuentes: Changed by the Love of God Abused as a child, she was full of rage and despair. When her husband left her, Anita needed a new life....
An awkward landing after a simple fall left Jose Lloret with an injured tailbone. He anguished for months until he came across Kristi Watts praying for people's needs on The 700 Club....
Created by Cristian
On May-20-2013
A Slugger Saved by Grace
MLB slugger Corey Hart shares how drugs and alcohol almost derailed his career and family until his daughter's interest in the Bible peaked his curiosity. ...




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